Nail (Screw) Cabinet #1: Introduction


This is part 1 in a 6 part series: Nail (Screw) Cabinet

  1. Introduction
  2. Forward Progress
  1. Final Assembly

I think it's time to build a nail (screw) cabinet to hold the assortment of old-stock slotted screws I use on projects. Yes, slotted screws. The best fasteners known to mankind… Anyway, this cabinet is inspired by Roy Underhill's example, written about in the Feb 2014 issue of Popular Woodworking (issue is available for free download, just search for it).

Quick and dirty, I want to turn this little California Prunes crate:

Into something that resembles (in some small way) this nail cabinet:

Doubt it'll be a long blog series, but there are a couple of things interesting about the build from a handtool perspective so it gets the series treatment. Thanks for looking.

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Oh Boy!

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef