Nail (Screw) Cabinet #5: Hardware & Glue-up


This is part 5 in a 6 part series: Nail (Screw) Cabinet

So I pushed one of the unfinished drawers into it's place in the cabinet and couldn't get it out without help. And that help was installation of a drawer pull.

With one put into place, an executive decision was reached to install all eight. One setting of dividers was used to get them where it looked good to my eye. So, divider, pencil and Goodell Pratt Birds-Eye Awl readied each front for drilling via the Stanley eggbeater (sporting the latest in blue painter's tape as a depth stop).

Pretty soon all eight were marked and drilled.

Waxed, slotted screws and all was done.

Now it was time to glue up the drawer sides to each of the fronts. All it takes is a vise, carpenter clamp and a couple of F-style clamps per drawer! Why such a conflagration? To tighten sides to front horizontally as well as pull the sides tight to the front of each half blind socket (front to back clamps). At this rate it'll take a few days to finish, as I only have a couple H clamps to work with.

See you later this week for another update.

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Those drawer fronts look great, thanks to TOF I mean OFI.

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef