Hints and tips that some may not have heard of. #40: Your Domino May Not Be Perfect

Boys and Girls,

My Triton Super Jaws is parked in front of my compressor and egg-nishner when not in use out in the open, and it's a pain to move when I need to access the compressor... or when I fully retract the hose and with my short arms find it hard to reach.

To facilitate moving it I built a mobile base for it,

Now that would mean bugga all in this blog except that I designed it in SketchUp to use my Domino.

which also would mean bugga all if you index off the end of a board using the pins... but, if you need to exactly match up using pencil alignment markings, your cursor hair line (sight gauge centre line) need to be perfectly aligned with the etchings on the base.

The etching on the base ot the Domino is factory laser cut/set to be perfectly centered, however, the plastic see through may not be perfectly centered  as it is only screwed on and and you may need to calibrate/align it manually... I checked my alignment and it was out by about 2mm... which when halved, my scientific calculator informed me was 1mm off centre...
OMG... a Fe$tool not perfect... miracles still happen (albeit "reversed").

While I have little fear of the camera when it comes to videos, I felt that this video by half-inch shy has one of the better explanations out there... if you can believe a man that has mention of "imperial" in his name (DOH!). 

I finished up having to sand a little off one side (right) of my plastic as shown by the "largish" gap after moving it to the right,

to get perfect alignment (ignore the parallax error in the photo with the tape).

So to all you other RFs, have you calibrated your Domino???

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


I sorta did that when I bought mine, now you have me thinking it is wayyyy of and I'll need to employ the disc sander to true it up again. 

Just for that, I'm going to rethink etching a new scale with imperial or fractional cubits.

Excellent idea with the contrasting tape line to do the adjusting!
While I was in the grove, I made up a new template... one side with the base (as per the video),

the flip side marked with the repositioned cursor,

in case the plastic insert has to be replaced (or moves???).

I was disgusted that a Fe$tool had to be corrected. Bet you'd never have that problem with the Bos¢h domino, pottzy!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

true duckie that would never be an issue with a bosch 😏

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I see what he's doing in the video and that will certainly work.  When I did mine, I simply used the fact that the two stops are exactly 37mm from the center of the mortise.  By measuring from each side, you can quickly see if the line falls dead center on the 37mm mark on your ruler.

Half of what we read or hear about finishing is right. We just don’t know which half! — Bob Flexner

holy cow that seems to ring a bell

Regards Rob

Holy cow? You Hindu of Frontu?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

A keep sake from No 4 sons days of catering for Beef week or something similar.
I can always tell if somebody tall is in the garage!

Regards Rob

I need one on my floor... when you're crawling around for your wallet!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

God Damn that bloody wallet and sander what the world coming to.
I see Fraser Island is gone missing now, what next Nova Holandia I suppose

Regards Rob

 commented about 2 hours ago
God Damn that bloody wallet and sander what the world coming to.
I see Fraser Island is gone missing now, what next Nova Holandia I suppose
Just don't bloody go looking for them in MY WORKSHOP... and if you do, put everything back in their bloody correct position!
I have low paid mercenaries, with itchy trigger fingers, with unpredictable ammo, protecting my property, with orders to a follow up on warning shots through the head, after the first shot between the eyes. 

But feel free to come up for a cuppa vino, after I return from church. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I like your 3 wheel cart for your 3 legged Triton horse. Sorry about your Festool domino. Did you contact Festools?

James McIntyre

 James McIntyre
 commented about 7 hours ago
I like your 3 wheel cart for your 3 legged Triton horse. Sorry about your Festool domino. Did you contact Festools?

Apparently it's a "common" problem... aand normally just a very simple fix of realignment with two screws.

I rang Fe$tool and repeated my now often used line of "You can never say that again!", when he said to me "I've never heard that before."... accordingly, I was the first that had to sand a tad... all others complaints had sufficient clearance.

Actually, that tripod is quite handy... I can lock stuff in it and wheel it around the workshop... though me being a shortarse, the extra 120mm height took some getting used to... I believe in large(ish) wheels.  

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD