Segment Gluing Jig. #4: Some finishing touches


This is part 4 in a 4 part series: Segment Gluing Jig.

  1. Getting started
  1. Details of a Clamping System
  2. Some finishing touches

Back at it this evening finally, other stuff to be done around the house and errands.

I did a little sanding on the interior pieces and glued up the frame and added a few nails with the nail gun. Then added the support blocks in the corners, screws only. I also set the post, which took a bit of work to get it plumb and having the bar parallel to the turn table. Done.

I also took the time to trim the bar to length and set it up. Then attached the large circular protractor, hanging a plumb bob from the end of the bar. I will admit it is off a tad bit 1/32nd.

Attached the 4 legs (lost a small bolt, frisky little buggers) Screwed the press plate which goes on top and inserted the clamping jig.


There is also a plate with a scribe line to to set the angle. I think I need to take this off and paint a black ring around the perimeter.

After doing some tweaking tomorrow I think this will work for my intended purpose. I managed to meet all of the parameters that I was shooting for. I will try to get a project posting in the next few days.

Thanks for reading and following along on this build, comments are always welcome and appreciated. 

Main Street to the Mountains


ive been following some what but ill admit, i dont have a f@#kin clue as to what this thing is supposed to do 🤣

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz, thanks for following. The theory is to assist in position the segments of a turning, mainly the open ones that will be glued to the level below. The bar is set at the level of the lower ring, then the stop block on the bar is set for the diameter of the ring that is being glued. The protractor will allow me to set the individual blocks in position against the bar and the stop block. Hopefully this will make the turning blank a little more balanced when it is mounted to the lathe.

The piece at the top will slide down and allow me to apply a little pressure to the glue joints, again in theory. I will have to remove the bar to slide the clamp down to the layer of rings being glued.

Main Street to the Mountains

I like it! Should be really precise. Great for open segments I would think!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Ah open segments.

Can't wait to see it in action.


This project is coming along nicely Eric.  Seeing the indexing plate is helping me to understand what is going on here.  Really a neat idea.


Ryan, thanks. that's my theroy.

Petey, thanks. yep, open segments, been wanting to give them a try again and see about patterns.

David, thanks. I found the large protractor online, thing it will work as intended.

Main Street to the Mountains

im in the have to see it group it seems very kewl so far but far beyond my abilities  👍


Tony, thanks. sometimes I have too much time on my hands and think about a process. This one took me a bit to figure out. I will show some photos of the process when I post the project.

Main Street to the Mountains

ok i think im understanding what this will do. cant wait to see it in use.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I'm in the same category as Pottz in his first comment, need to see this in operation. Precise build though, nice work.
Pottz, once seen it will be understood.

Oldtool, thanks. Needed the precision to make it work correctly.

Main Street to the Mountains

Should make tedious work quick and easy! If it fails, also makes an excellent tortilla press 😬

1/32" is pretty darn amazing for wood with all the attachment points involved. Could also be a local gravitational or magnetic anomaly.
Your bench is level and no beer caps or cookie crumbs you forgot tho clear away right?
Splinter, thanks. that is what I'm shooting for, easy glue ups. Had a bit on the attachment points for the post, to get it right. The bench is a bit of a mess, with the tools scattered about along with a few parts.

Main Street to the Mountains

Hi Eric, are you aware of this method? It is very accurate and easy method.

.................. John D....................

Haven’t seen that John. Do you have more info on it?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

John can't say that I have seen that one before. Basically, the same only on the horizontal. I guess if one had an indexing system on the lathe that would work. I only spent about $25 on mine, plus my time.

Main Street to the Mountains

I used my laser to create the indexing wheels so it was basically free to make mine. I know you have already made your jig, so you don't need this, but this guy has several very clever ways of doing open segments. Might be worth watching a few of his videos. He is older than dirt, and talks slowly, but he makes beautiful things and has some very interesting insights and methods.

.................. John D....................

Cool video John, I think I have seen this guy before.

Main Street to the Mountains

Tried a different technique today to make this 24-4 plate. I lasered out the plate, removed the interior section, then glued what’s left to another whole sheet. Then I cut the center hole and trimmed the outside edge down with the laser. So, cutting the 3mm cleanly is no big deal, but trying to cut the doubled 3mm and the base 3mm intermittently ended up as a challenge. It worked out in the end, but I did have to use a scalpel to finish the cuts in the spots where it was 6mm thick…and the places it was only 3mm were pretty charred.

I built a little stand with a 7/8” dowel sticking up out of the center. I figured I can turn a shallow 7/8” recess into a bowel base being held by a chuck, then use the dowel to center the chuck over the gapped segment plate. Pushing down on the chuck slides the dowel down (it’s just press fit into the base) and keeps it centered so it lands properly on the plate holding all the segments. It’s kind of the poor-man’s version of the Stomper thing that the guy made with the pop-up sprinkler. No idea how it’s gonna work, but the theory seems sound.

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Ryan, looking good. Theories are interesting at times. putting them to actual use can be a different story.

Main Street to the Mountains