Urban Ore #25: El Casco Pencil Sharpener Model 405


This is part 25 in a 35 part series: Urban Ore

Rare as teeth on a hen. I couldn’t believe my eyes. For $25 …

To put it in perspective, if you go on eBay you will find many El Casco  pencil sharpeners, ranging in price between $200 and $400, but you won’t find the model 405. Not even amongst previously sold items. If one ever did hit eBay, the seller could easily set $500 if not more.

One day, say a few years ago, I was feeling nostalgic for the old pencil sharpeners that were bolted to either the wall or teacher’s desk back in school, 100 years ago.

Curious what money could buy, I searched “most expensive pencil sharpeners in the world,” and El Casco came up. Not sure why so expensive, but after holding this thing in the hand, I can now see why.

Must be made out of armored tank parts. Puts the “heavy” in “heavy duty.”

Looks classy. Can’t wait to try it.

That’s awesome…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Upon learning that it may be worth over $1500, I don’t know that it’s a shop pencil sharpener. Holy moly!

Made sometime between 1932 and 1944, superseded by the later model 430 patented 80 years ago (still sold today, going for either $536 or $653, depending on whether you get the gold plated one or not)
hey then are the ones after you sharpen pencil you give it a sniff 


Say what? I’m not familiar 
Mmmm, Yummy cedar scent!

Looks new in box? A real beauty, but given what you have found out, I'd keep it as-is and find another "every day" sharpener to fill in.
You could fund some nice toolage if you found a buyer 🤠
It’s either that or make it slide out from a hidden compartment from my hand tool cabinet