Amazing Council PU

I was driving along and spied this B&D Workmate sitting in the council clean up pile.
I just  did a big smoky U turn and returned to confirm it was what I saw.
Sure enough here was a fairly sad looking B&D Workmate, so in the back it went and returned home with my unbelievable find.

It looked to be in original condition with very little use.
The original Rule label was still present and usable
However the laminated particleboard tops were a little worst for wear

After a quick once over it seemed to be in good working order although suffering obvious signs of neglect or lack of use.
So I decided to replace the work tops.

All went well until I decided to use it.
It appeared to be a bit wobbly!
A quick check over found a spring missing from one of the folding locks.
Into my mind boggling spare parts stash and I found a "suitable" spring
fitted it and hey Presto ...(or Festo)  it was back serviceable again.

I was amazed people just toss out gear like this.
Looking on the net I found folding Workmates are still for sale  and retailing about AUD 200.
Its a keeper I will Parf it 

Regards Rob


We have a neighborhood blog in our retirement community and people constantly list stuff for free or nominal prices.  I have scored some incredible finds by reacting quickly.

Last year, there was a note for a Workmate - free.  I was there in 5  minutes.  It was missing a couple of the plastic jaw dogs and some rubber feet.  Picked those up on Amazon.  I use it frequently, very handy.

I posted about the Rikon 6x48" belt sander, new in the box, for $75; which I sold for $350.  Got a Stanley #605 Bedrock, a #5, a #7, a Disston 28" back saw, a Disston rip saw (1896), etc. - all in mint condition and FREE!  

Gotta keep the eyes open.

Carey Mitchell

What's valuable to us is junk taking up space to other people. Nice save
That’s the truth. When people don’t have a use for something anymore, and they feel like they’ve gotten their money out of it, it’s easier to just unload it and be done. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Good job~!  I have a Workmate like that, that I've been looking to replace the jaws on since they're starting to swell after 30+ years of was my "1st tool".  I was looking for OEM replacement parts, but it must be too old, so I may batch out a few sets of different sizes.  We'll see how that works out.
Can't beat cheap stuff!
Problem is you need to be in an area with supply. Around here, a water swollen particle board cabinet wouldn't last a minute before someone snagged it. It all depends on where in the food chain your community lies.
nice score rob. ive had one for over 30 years, great little bench vises.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice find and repair. We have an old junky one behind our shop and I just put new boards on it too. I threw a big log on it for chainsawing and I broke one of the old water rotted boards!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

He didn't even shoot and he scored.    ;)

I have somewhere up or down from 200 clamps, ranging from homemade and cheap to expensive. I consider a WorkMate to still be one of the valuable ones.

I've had one for over forty years. The lever clamps are long since gone, but a simple modification of a Harbor Freight F clamp works as well. Just drop it down the hole (top part removed and tossed, tighten the locking knob and it's in operation.
Sad fact of the world today Rob. 
Throw away society and folks with no repair skills. 
Well done 👍 

Oh, unfortunately our local council only has booked pickups these days not the old “Council Cleanup” weeks which were great for finding good stuff and recycling; now it all off to landfill. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Nice score Rob!  I can't see why anyone would throw away a Workmate.  They're so damn handy.
If we can throw out a roommate, why not a workmate? You know the type, eats your lunch out of the break room fridge.