Shop Upgrades #2: The Workshop


This is part 2 in a 3 part series: Shop Upgrades

I worked all last year to get everything moved around in my workshop, for efficiency’s sake and to add in a new cabinet later when it’s built. I’m primarily a turner, so one half of my double garage is centered around that endeavor. Here it is from the outside in, with more changes to come when I get around to them!

Right side

Left side

and a back wall of machinery:

I have overhead storage in the rafters with a full loft above, mostly full of family storage. If I were well-heeled, I’d fix my only big problem here: electricity. I have power cords running all over, only one 220 outlet shared during the summer with an irrigation pump, and I have to run machines one at a time for most things. I suppose I could save up and have it fixed professionally, but then there are all those darn tool sales I keep running into! ah, well.

Might As Well Dance :

Like most of us woodworkers Barb you seem to live by " she who dies with the most tools wins!" Lovely shop to spend the days away in.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Looks like an idyllic place to conjure up beauty Barb. …………. and you do!

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

I can see why you are building a new cabinet- What a tool collection!!! Nice shop.

Heh…no chips on the floor! and you call yourself a turner…Ha! Lovely space I bet you’re in there a lot.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

;-) Thanks, guys. Thorrein, I should get a Tshirt with that on it. Shipwright, thank you! And Mike, I’m so slow with my cabinet, but I vow it will get done. And Wolf&Rabbit- I clean up so rarely! I do love this space, and whisper a quiet ‘Thank You’ for it every time I enter.

Might As Well Dance :

Wow! you have a nice collection of toolss ( yes extra s is warranted).
It’s beautiful from outside.

I had the same problem, not being able to run 1 machine at the time.
I had an electrician install a sub panel and I run all the outlets to save some money.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

That looks like an ideal turning shop Barbs. I also turn some, so I can really appreciate your set-up. I see you have a nice selection of hand tools as well. I have a little more than half of what you have and I keep hoping they will take away my driving license so I can get rid of my car and expand my shop into the other half of my garage (just kidding).

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thank you. I know how you feel. My elderly mother’s car occupied one half of this garage for Many years. When she handed over her keys and sold her car, my happy dance did not entirely meet with her approval. My George and I have three autos and one double carport. His pick up sits outside to this day.

Might As Well Dance :

Your shop has so much character it screams “make something great”!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!