A silk purse from a sow's ear... #2: Take 4 wire coat hangers, a length of tinsel and eight candles...


I finally got round to making a start on the wardrobe. End panels first. I can’t help but think of ‘Blue Peter’ – a long running children’s tv programme on the BBC. Every week they had a demonstration of how to make some artsy, craftsy piece of crap to give to your Mum. Cardboard, double sided tape, more cardboard, glitter and a ribbon.

Anyway, I did say this job wasn’t going to be fine woodworking didn’t I? It’s being made to a budget, the economy version of what I had originally envisaged.

The end panels are a faux frame and panel construction. A 3/4" MDF core adorned with mock MDF rails and stiles, inside and out, to bulk up the front edge of the panel and get it looking like the drawing. Quick, cheap and easy. Another consideration was the need to have material in the right place for the inset hinges.

Is there a better way to quickly apply an even coat of glue without getting it everywhere? (Don’t forget to wrap the roller up in cling film for the next use).

It has suited me today to do it this way as I have had a lot running about to do. Glue a bit, nip out, glue some more, etc., etc.,.

^That honking great bottom piece on the inside is to allow for the bottom rail, a 9" drawer, something to fix the drawer runners to, and the divider above the drawers, as well as allowing a ‘rail’ above that.

^Here’s how that piece looks with a coat of tinted primer on. I will examine the front edges tomorrow. They might need filling, or just another couple of coats of primer and sanding might get them glass smooth. As a last resort, I could always apply some 2" iron on veneer edging, and paint over that.

^There are no official records for how many house fires this was responsible for, but I suspect it was a lot.

I thought this was a budget job? Your using way too many clamps. lol
A quick pin nail and caulk the seam is all they’re paying for ;)
Looking good so far

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

This is very clean to be a budget job.
I think they are going to be your next walking advertisement. Nothing beats referral customers.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Your arts and crafts work is superb !! I like the colors , you get a
gold star for that one ! : )