My Workbench – My Best Workshop Buddy


OK Trendsetters here is my workbench, as I do not have a workshop as such I work in the drive way of my home and my “Trusty” Workbench sits in the grass area next to the clothes line and drive way.

Fully exposed to th elements, so I made a “roof” to protect it,

however mother nature takes her toll and so the top gets replaced quite frequently.


The frame is a recycled gazebo which was oregon a construction timber originally used outdoors extensively until it was found to have no resistance to exposure here in Australia.

The legs are elevated from the ground with leveling feet sitting on pavers

The work surface is double laminated MDF.

As you can see the sun warps it something terrible if I leave the cover off during the day.

It has a sliding section underneath to access all the “gear” I have hidden there.

You wonder why I even bothered to post it, and get any precision results but… Hey !! that’s as good as it gets here for me.

Where is the vice? well its in the plastic bag on the milk crate under the bench on the Left hand side.

So its fully Functional (sort of) all the precision work I do requires additional work surfaces to be clamped to the bench surface.

Regards Rob

Nice job of adapting to the conditions . I used to be a shade tree mechanic so I can relate.


I find it difficult to comprehend that anyone can do woodworking outdoors. I’m certain that it has something to do with the fact that I live in one of the wettest environments on earth here in Norway. And if it isn’t raining, the wind is blowing Usually both are going on at the same time.

It has always been my attitude that the woodworker is by far the most important element and that benches and tools just make the job easier but not necessarily better. Your bench works for you and you can work with it outdoors. What is better than that?

Mike, an American living in Norway