My work bench #4: New (old) vice.


This is part 4 in a 4 part series: My work bench

  1. Leg vice.
  1. Moving leg vice
  2. New (old) vice.

The other day I was asked by my wife to take some stuff to her church sale. i did as asked.
When I got there somebody had left this thing at the door. I snagged it.
The vice is a Colombian D44. It also swivels. Nice vice.

When I got home I google it so I could pay a proper price for it. It came out to ca. $50 which is ok by me as Texas City has a lot of poor people in it and this church caters to the poor.

It was rather rusty. I think it was one of those mounted on the back bumper of a welding truck.
Could need new insertable jaws, but I made my own. I made some from oak on my band saw.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

:) $50 well spent. poverty is on the rise in many communities.

The vice has character and I am sure a story too.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Looks good and the anvil should be handy too.

Mike, an American living in Norway