Chalk paint writing desk (shabby chic)


First time use of Anne Sloan’s chalk paint with Fiddes & Sons wax polish. Entire desk is made from soft maple. Best things about chalk paint are the soft colors and there is minimal sanding. It will cover just about anything.


Nice colours , I like it.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Nice chalk paint, love the desk!


My wife LOVES that Annie Sloan stuff. She would love this desk.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thank you guys. I use to see chalk paint mostly on restorations but seeing it more and more on built stuff, in our area anyway.


Nicely done. …and thanks for the heads-up on the Annie Sloan paint. I’ll check it out.

Looks good Jack

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker