Yard Schtick - Puzzle Box

I am always looking to recycle or upcycle items or materials, in this case I couldn’t resist the vintage yardstick.  Brings back memories of it being a staple in every garage back in the ole days.

It wasn’t enough to make a box, I had to trick it out with more locking mechanisms.  

In this case, both the front and back are removable once unlocked.  There are also some false knobs that ‘feel’ important but are really just a great distraction at best.  One pin actually is already unlocked and only locks when activated.  

The greatest challenge was to get all of those mechanisms packed into the inside of the box without misalignment.  It helped to be able to build each side with the other side off, but still challenging enough.  

I plan on revisiting the yard stick theme, though with a different setup.  The trickiest part might be coming up with more yard stick humor!

~ Mystery by Design ~

That's really cool. Any chance you could share a video of opening the lock? 

Losing fingers since 1969

I can't share the solution, but I can show you a pic of the inside, pretty sure you might get to see what is happening inside.

~ Mystery by Design ~

that's a dandy puzzle box amazing inside. Thans for sharing.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

The inside?? Crazy!!! 

The yard stick - precious 

The fake knobs .. you have a devilish mind!! Lol

Creativity meets technical .. phew

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

That is neat, like the upcycle facts. The puzzle parts have some details.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks guys!

~ Mystery by Design ~