Crosses and more crosses

Saw post on Lumberjocks and that got me started.  Found an online plan for the first layered one and then just designed others after staring at my "scrap" pile of smaller pieces.  


Great looking, some of those have a nice 3-D look to them. Good job !!!   Mike
Beautiful work! I like the 3D look as well. Just curious since I have never made a cross, is there a standard proportion to where the horizontal and vertical pieces meet? It looks to be about 1/3 of the way down from the top. Is that correct?
Always like seeing these, they look very nice.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thanks everyone.

After I posted my larger one on LJ, someone pointed out the dimensions are off (I see it now!).  Here's what I was told:  

"The "standard" is the crossbar is 1/2 the length of the vertical crossing at the 3/4 point. This makes the top of the vertical and both arms the same length with the bottom of the vertical 3x as tall."

So this one (that I see in my kitchen daily) is short for the lower section (I had cut off a blemish...oops):

Nice, Barb! And it’s good to see the pups in that second to last photo.

May you have the day you deserve!

Thanks Dave.  They are my constant companions.  
BB1, I believe the "traditional cross" uses the golden rule (Fibonacci Rule).  DP (David Polaschek) did a post on LJ about a Fibonacci Guage he made.
Unfortunately, I have enough trouble finding my own projects on LJ nowadays, let alone someone else's.
Fortunately I plagiarised his idea and created one myself which I cut out on my laser

(so physical dimensions aren't readily available from my records).  They are relatively easily made once you have dimensions which are readily available from the internet... if push comes to shove I can make a PDF available that can be used as a template (resized proportionately will give you whatever size you like).  Exact tolerances should not be critical as it is designed to give you the general layout and not necessarily in micro measurements (so I believe).

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

LBD - I'll have to look that up to see how it works (and how to build).  Other than the first cross that I built from a plan, I pretty much "eyed" what looked right.  Having a better guide would give better/more consistent results.  Thanks for the added information.
Here's a fantastic blog series about the Fibonacci Gauge:

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Thanks Martin.  I'll take a look through that series.  Not quite sure how it works, but I'm sure that's covered in the blog.  
 Here's a fantastic blog series about the Fibonacci Gauge:

So that's where mafe's been hiding.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Those are nice BB!,  they also look fun to make.
My favorite is the 3rd one down in your comments.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

My favorite is the 3rd one down in your comments.
That's the one my mother-in-law picked. :) The main section is poplar - a wood that I like even though many seem to feel it's only to be painted.  

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