A small Pill Bottle, 4" x 7/8" Día, Leopardwood finished with a friction polish.
My better half uses a small plastic baggie to keep one of her meds in her purse. So I came up with this as one birthday present next month.
I had recently picked up some Leopardwood turning blanks, milled this down to 1" square x 6" and started with the turning. After I obtained a cylinder (between centers). I sat back looking at the grain and figured out how to finish this thing. I laid out a tenon on each end and where to create the cap. (Which is a friction fit). Back to turning to finish the outside.
After cutting the cap off I placed it in the chuck and used a 3/4" foster bit to create the lip, then a 5/8" foster bit to make the cap a bit deeper and softened the edge. Then chucked up the bottom and used a 1/2" foster bit to clear out the inside. Then softened the cut and sneaked up on the fit for the cap.
While I still had the tenons on I pushed it together and sanded to 220 grit, stopping after each grit and sanding with the grain. Then finished with BLO and Shellac for a friction finish (thanks Dave P).
From there separated the two half's and chucked each one up, cut off the tenon, sanded and finished the ends.
Fun little project, while turning a couple of other things. And I managed to get a good friction fit for the cap. This could also be used for a tooth pick holder, (not those Texas sized ones), since you don't see toothpicks in restaurants anymore.
Still learning how to turn, getting better control of the tools and better at sharpening them too.
Thanks for looking and comments are always welcome