Sliding Calliper Box for under bench mount.

Boys and Girls,

I will forever maintain my sheep persona circa Christmas,
But unlike the publication at LJ on 2nd. March, 2021… this time I’m baa'ing in the footsteps of Rhoot's calliper box
With the proliferation of laser owners, I surrendered to my darker side and permitted that little bugger on my right shoulder,
to convince me to re-publish this project here.

SketchUp model of 200mm,

SketchUp model for a 150mm Kincrome brand,

Another slider (with callipers) added in the laser room since initial publication,

Tomorrow the world!
Boys and Girls

Unlike the Dark Lightning's Caliper Tray project, the guts and the plastic of my box was intact… and I spell mine with two Ls. 
Nevertheless, whenever I wanted to access my callipers, it was always blocked in by some stupid project I was working on,
I had a few more good quality callipers (as opposed to those el cheapo $29.99 Chinese crap), and I wanted a more convenient place to store them so they were readily accessible. Initially I mounted a set in near reach of the tablesaw,
and another set near the drill press,
While they were more accessible, because of the mounting I was intimidated by the thought of the plastic box suffering fatigue and breaking, plunging the calliper into a duck dive onto the concrete floor and breaking… though it wasn't the concrete I was in fear of.
 I sent out an APB in D L's project (referenced above… and here again for those lack of motivation) and after wading through the thousands of suggestions and PMs (that I failed to receive), I chose one brilliant idea, anonymously contributed by cest moi.

The first step was to get a profile of the calliper so I could construct some sort of a receptacle within a box. Scanning and importing into SketchUp, I traced around the picture to get a shape,

After some trial and error,
I came up with a profile I could design a box around
and in my now boring fashion, laser cut all the parts,
and segregated into the tray parts
and the lid/mount parts,
then came the glue up,
Finished the first, tung oiled it and made up the second,

Put a knob on one of the boxes,
not because it needed it, but because I bought a shitload of them when they were reduced to $10 for 10… and as everyone always say, free from the scrap bin.
The knob was put underneath as the box was a vegetarian and there wasn't enough meat on the front to hang the knob. The knob wasn't put on the other as it might interfere with the tools sitting loose on the pull out Ryobi shelf below. Not that anyone else might care, but I had to remind myself why.
I also laser cut some felt inserts 
to cushion the callipers during the inactivity snoozes.
Seems like I'm getting religious in my old age and turning into a nun… its becoming a Habit to make a video to accompany my posts.

If you remember my mention of the el cheapo $29.99 Chinese crap, well it's now worth $32.04 as I have added a $2.05 MDF box around the first one I was stupid enough to buy,
 This I keep in my office for those midnight vino cask remainder measurements.
For those that got this far and thought Ahah! thank the gods he didn't do another bloody puzzle… well Nyah-nyah-nyah!, it's cut out on the laser, HOWEVER, its assembled like a Jigsaw!

Keep safe jocks... and your jocks safe!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Very utile duck…nicely done. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

not a bad thought.  I have mine on a tool wall behind my bench.  However, I might have room for a shallow drawer just under the bench top.

Thanks for the idea


Nice handy storage box, good job Duck.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

A great idea for storage. Mine sits on a shelf of the tool cabinet.

Main Street to the Mountains

good idea,very handy.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.


That makes the calipers easy to find.  Mine are stuffed in my shop bag with bunch of stuff.
great addition to your shop.

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Mine are handily placed on my TS, protected from dust and errant falling objects by a layer of crap (cutoffs, tools, project parts, etc.)
I could make such a fine box and mount it under a shelf, but then I'd never remember where they heck they ran off too.
Now you’ll be able to get a quick draw on it. Did you spray the it  black?  It looks so much better than the drab color of the mdf. 

James McIntyre

Ladies (and gent), it was primarily due to convenience (as I have several scattered around the workshop/house) and trying to utilise my laser that's been sitting relatively idle for nigh on 10 years. 
A box was my first thought, but then that'd be inconveniently "drawered"... under bench/shelf mount made the slide out easy access and "hide".

JMcI, some were stained (Feast Watson)... I'm past making stuff in the workshop pretty-pretty...  here in downtown Churchill, our "exotic timber" is MDF and/or melamine... anything else is gold... so my scrap bin is my "super exotics" reserved for those special occasions.
The black ones were mainly for up in the house where the colour theme (from past owner) is black and I'm not much for change so it stayed black.... and rather than pour the decanted stain back in the can, I got carried away with some of the cases... and love the smell of metho.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Looks really good.  Very practical. 