Custom Cherry Entertainment Cabinetry


Built this for a good friend out of some of my best cherry. The radius work was a blast! Comes with a nice red oak and walnut floor too.



True artistry. Magnificent!


Exceptional quality im blown away

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

The devil’s in the details on those big projects. Looks like fun. Nice lookin piece of furniture.

Very nice!

One of the better piece I have seen. Looks really good.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very nice, it’s monstrous in size and detail. You do great work. The house this is in must be massive. That’s bigger than my living room, but looks awesome in that space! You should be very proud of it.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

That’s beautiful. My partner bought over of these things from a cabinet shop we use but it’s all MDF and blech. That’s all you get these days. That makes yours all the more special. Out of this world. Great job.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thanks friends!
The jigs I had to build in order to shape or mill each curved piece was quite a challenge.The center arch and convex front are both 67" radius.
Crown was milled from basically a 2×10 of clear cherry.
I designed a fair amount of molding knives for this to keep it unique.
Custom blend of stain, I think I used knotty pine and American walnut over cherry.Top coat is Krystal catalyzed lacquer.
It took me all summer.


Wow, that is beautiful. Really makes me feel like a wood butcher rather than a wood artist. How long did it take to make that?


Great looking cabinet,I might have to rethink my skills.

Retirement is not as easy as I thought it would be

That is amazing work right down to every detail.


Incredible!!! Did you capture pictures along the way? Would love to see how you did some of this.

Did you have to steam the raised panel doors ?

dscott, I coopered the panels and raised them in a concave shop made form on the shaper..
Rails were made off a pattern then fed down a concave form for the sticking cut.
Stiles were cut traditional way.
This job took a large amount of patterns, bearings, jigs and fixtures to produce I think about 50 or so different radius components.I dug into my stash and brought out some really nice wood for this piece.
It seemed like a mountain of cherry was used!



This is absolutely exquisite! No hardware??

The floor is gorgeous as well.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Thanks for explaining some of the steps Steve.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

122lake, yeah…shop pics are the best!


This is an amazing build Steve

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker