Curved Maple Coffee table

As the title suggests, there are no straight lines on this table. This table or something similar has been in my sketch book for some time.  I had the opportunity to spend a couple weeks in a class with Michael Fortune and he helped me hammer out some of the details. I guess some of my favorite things about building this table are the fact that all the legs are at different curves, as was the top, which meant jigs, jigs, and jigs, not to mention the top glue-up was interesting to say the least. I really like the design concept and I know I can revisit it again. My wife already said she would like something similar in a dining table. I'm still trying to hash out how I could add extension leaves without compromising the look. I think that could lead to some interesting dinning chair options.  Thanks for looking.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams


wow that is an incredible design. love the top and how you did the legs. yeah a table top with leaves in this design  would be very challenging. fantastic piece.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

A nice table, very good design and makes for a interesting conversation. Well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice looking table Paul. As a boat builder I have trouble with the straight lines myself but I digress….
I look forward to your dining room set! Maybe a little marquetry might sneak in somewhere??? 😁
Anyway, compliments on this table. You did great with the curves!

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Very nice work on this table.   If you want an option to extending the dining room without cutting it into pieces you can add company boards.
Great table. Love all those curves and the flow of it.
Terrific design and execution. Are all the legs laminations?

.................. John D....................

I agree the design is very cool!  The top with the laminations not lined up to the edge gives that top a great look.


There are so many attention-grabbing details on this piece, it’s hard to look away.  Well done!
That is a very cool looking table.
Fine design. You have your own building style which is a gift. Watch out for those edges at night. 

If you want to get the folds out of your back drop fabric, hang it up, spray it with water from a spray bottle and let it dry. 

James McIntyre

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. awsum55 the legs were tapered bent laminations, I was able to get all four legs out of two forms, I just had to place them in different areas on the forms. James McIntyre thanks for the tip! I have been struggling with taking my own photo's forever. The material almost seems like Tyvek house wrap and I was afraid to put heat to it and melt it. 

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Well, that’s a feast for the eyes—graceful and beautiful. Fantastic work!
Wow! That is quite an accomplishment.
This has so many great features.  Well done on all of it.  It was a real pleasure just to see some unique design on the legs.
Wow! it's beautiful! I don't think I know enough math to understand how it's designed. Wonderful!

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