Shop Knife

This is a shop knife that I made a few years ago and use all the time for cutting sandpaper among other things. I cut the blade out of a 12" circular saw blade that was scrapped that Turbergen sharpening service. The edge is hardened. The handle and sheath are  made from hard maple burl. I embedded the ends of 2  45-70 casings in the handle to dress it up.  I put 2 rare earth magnets in back of the sheath to hold it on the cabinet in the shop. ......................................Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day


Jim, do you know what type of steel that is?
Wondering if a carbide tipped blade uses the same steel as a non-carbide tipped blade.

Fine looking utility knife! Just don't forget it when you scrounge for a scrap of wood to chuck up in your lathe 😱
Cool little knife Jim, bet it comes in handy in the shop.

Main Street to the Mountains

A good utilitarian knife.  Those rare earth magnets are calling me. There are lots of uses for them.

One holds the chuck key on the mill in the community shop.  Some time holds too well.

Jim, you leave for the Midwest/northeast soon.  I go back to WA mid May/

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Nice job!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Made the blade from an old tablesaw blade, "waste not - want not" my mother always said. Nice work.
Cool dark colour!!


That handle is attractive and I really like the mag-sheath.  Makes it handy in the shop.
Great job, never thought of using shell casings that way. Looks great.  Mike
Thank you all for the nice comments. I do use it a lot!!

Hi Bruce. I don't know what kind of steel it is, but the blade was not carbide tipped. so I figured if they could harden the pips of this blade, I could harden the edge. I used and oxy- acetylene torch and quenched it is oil. It seems pretty hard but I  can't test it for hardness. I have one more piece of the hard maple burl in the wood room that I walk  by a lot- still waiting for it to tell me what it wants to be!!!!

Hi Dave. I have been home here since early April- had to do the taxes!! Hey, magnets are so handy in the shop. I must have 7 different sixes but I use the 3/4" the most...and they are getting expensive. I also like the big ring magnets you get from scrapped microwave ovens. I tear them down for the magnets and the transformers ( for fractal burning)

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Love that handle, it makes me want to hold it.

.................. John D....................

Thanks, Awsum55!! I have so very little of that wood left ..just for small projects now

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Very nice Jim....A shop Knife is so useful....