Making a Classic Panel Moulding Profile


So I have this router bit called a "Classic Panel" bit that I bought years ago from Lee Valley Veritas.

When I use it, it's usually on my router table. I like how the profile looks upside down. I may actually make another moulding plane for this profile. However for now, I decided that I can do it with my old (~ 200 yr old) Fillister plane along with my newly made Round and Hollow moulding planes.


I started by laying out the profile in pencil at both ends and along the top and sides of the Pine stock.

Starting the initial planing

Next I started with my Fillister plane making a rabbet that will be the transition between the two curves.

You will notice the little vertical line between the two curves. This is how far down I make the rabbet depth using the Fillister plane.

Here is it at full depth

Next I make a small rabbet on the corner of the top curve. This allows me to run my Hollow moulding plane.

Once this is done I then make a chamfer with my Rabbet Moulding Plane on the bottom curve that will allow me to run my Round plane to make the bottom curve.

Using my Hollow plane I then follow the top small rabbet to make that curve

Then I follow the chamfered corner with my Round moulding plane to shape the bottom curve


This now completes the profile. (On the left)

P.S. If you haven't seen my Roman Ogee profile check it out here


I really like those symmetric/complementary shapes. Flip one piece and it can make for interesting joinery.

Are your curves for the hollow and roundover identical?
SplinterGroup... yes.. I made my Hollow and Round both 1/2" and identical. They're a matched set.  🙂
Love seeing the old ways to do things like that! Very cool..

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Glad you like it RyanGi ! 👍
It's fun to create compound profiles from simpler shapes. Thanks for sharing your process with us!
You're welcome Steve. There are others I'm seriously thinking about making. A matched set of snipe bill moulding planes, a classic panel moulding plane, and another matched set of smaller Hollow and Round moulding planes likely 1/4" or smaller. 
I had no idea that I would get into moulding plane making but started and like the results. It opens up some intriguing possibilities in my woodworking. 🙂

Great description on the process, and the moldings created are first class. Nice work.
Thanks again Oldtool! Glad you appreciate it.