Consider this:-
Its Saturday morning in sunny Brisbane and perfect weather for some gardening.
When your favorite garden trowel suddenly has a massive fracture.
Apart from muttering the virtues of plastic tools left in the Sun, I was determined to contune enjoying my second fav pass time.
looking in my stash of hardwoods I found a piece just waiting to be converted into a handle.
1. Traced the rough outline onto the timber and exclaimed Oh yes!
2. Cut it to length on the table saw
3. rolled out the bandsaw
4 Rolled out the linisher and sanding disc
5. Drilled holes as per the original
6. Cut the traced the outline on the band saw, hot gluing respective pieces back on for stability
7. flashed up the Sander linisher and profiled it to the original shape
8. Went to assemble it and Oh no it wouldn't fit, so on to the drill press and a small sanding drum and presto !
9. Hand sanded to reflect the original
9 Pleased wit the result hot melt glued it together.
10. Now I remember why I spent thousands of dollars on wood working machines, ... to save possibly $2 bucks at Bunnings!
I was quite happy with my time wasting activity so who cares!
Just had to share it as a kooky woodworker!
Ha ha enjoy