I’d say you soak it in water and then use a vise to compress it, widening the opening to allow for the ball to be inserted before removing it from the vise and allowing it to dry.
I'm with Devin T, water or steam was used to permit wood movement, but regardless of method - it's a nice puzzle. Oh, wait, on second thought, the golf ball was boiled in water, compressed in a vice, inserted and permitted to return to shape. Sweet.
Thanks guys. First the all the openings are drilled with a Forstner bit. Smoothed, sanded, etc. Then boiling water used to soften the corner rails enough to make pliable and pushing gold ball inside. Then allowed to dry and contract back to shape.
Well put Devin T! I have it on a shelf in my den. Almost everytime I see it I pick it up. It's a bit intriguing. I gave another with two balls in it. "HIS" and "HERS" LOL!
Thanks for showing Pottz. I've made one like that before. You soak and clamp compressing the the last finger vertically on the nail head end. Drill the hole through the middle two, insert nail, soak finger again to expand and let dry. When I did mine I inserted a lag bolt.
They make nice gifts, and easily squeeze under a $5.00 gift limit, and unlike most $5.00 limit gifts they end up sitting on peoples desk's or a shelf where it can be seen.
There are a number of similar ideas, and most all of them can be found on U Tube. Once you find one, just look to the right.
That’s a nice conversation piece. I’d seen them before but had never taken the time to see how they’re made. I was wondering if you just had superhuman grip strength and squeezed the golf ball to fit between the sides. After all, a golf ball is basically a long rubber band wound around a core. 😁
LBD..... I've thought about it but heck!!... I don't have the equipment and wouldn't even know where to start. 😄
This would be a good start. (and quite a few on LJ that I still have to migrate across)... most if not all have instructions and a good selection were plagiarised from people using hand tools.
Burr puzzles are nothing more than a stack of finger joints and you've proved yourself a capable box builder,
If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD