Windy Puzzle Box

Ok guys, here is my Christmas gift to all of you that enjoy my mechanical non-sense.  This design is actually a tuned up version of the Chinese Document box.  This design is centuries old and not my own original design.
Please, feel free to make one, it’s a blast!

We have here an old liquor box.  They are generally found in this long rectangular shape.

First, find some material about 1/4” thick to wrap around the outside. 
From following the cues in the video you will be able to construct this puzzle box easy enough.  I did alter mine so that the end weight didn’t swing around and make noise.  Instead I offset the weight and added a magnet system so it want to stay locked in the rested position.  Only by a light tap at the right angle will release the weighted toggle piece to move out of the way for the lid to move. 

The extra bits I added are actually a Red Herring.  A set of features designed to nothing but add confusion to the mix.  Yes, I know, diabolical.  From the images you can see how simple they are, but they all move and have different limits set to their movement.  One pair of dials closest to the end that removes actual sound like little switches as the dial breaks its contact as you rotate in one direction only, but quickly reconnects.  This will delay the opening a lil to a lot longer.  

A super satisfying build that will have you trying out on everyone this holiday season, and beyond.

Thanks Guys!

~ Mystery by Design ~

Very cool! The video is very helpful.

Thanks for the post and the vid Snake... but,

Pottzy's gonna cuss you as this is heading straight to my to-do-puzzle-list.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Haha, it’s all good.  I hope he makes one too!

~ Mystery by Design ~

 Kel Snake 
...see now, lathe work is my weak area. 

thanks kel. im not the best myself.
C'mom Pottzy show us your lathe skills... prove you can turn and make puzzles.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

interesting.  like the use of the yard stick remains.


Nice I like it. It's simple but complicated
I like that!  There's lots of room inside, extra wow for that.

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens

Hey thanks guys!

~ Mystery by Design ~