Veritas Honing Guide Box

Boys and Girls,
Many of you have noticed the closing picture in some of my projects 
where the item is rolled off into the endless archives. Well let’s take a walk behind those closed doors 

and find the box,
to drag push it out 
for presentation again. 
Let me unbox 
what I posted at LJ on Oct 24, 2019 (and updated, probably censored, during the upgrade on Sep 19, 2022…).
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo --------------------------------------------- 
Boys and Girls,
While rummaging through one of my drawers (not knickers) looking for a clean (definitely not knickers) drinking glass, I finally took notice of these Veritas honing jig pieces
that have been playing pinball in the drawer for the past 12 years since I surrendered to my dark side and bought a Tormek.
While it'll probably never be used, by me, I am too sentimental to part with my jigs, even to a new set of respectable foster parents.  So I decided to make a box for it/them so I could hide them in a drawer
and forget them forever.
Based on my layered MDF technique, I started with a SketchUp design,
The design was based on these photos that were imported into SketchUp and then traced for shape.
I then printed of 3mm MDF profiles to test for fit (and modified till the fit was acceptable),
then a full base cut (for fit),
Content with the result, did a full laser cut of all the parts and ventured off to the workshop for assembly.
Did a dry assembly,
closely followed by a test fit,
Hit it with glue, fitted the sides and trimmed the alignment dowels,
Assembled the lid that I engraved using a PINEWOOD font,

I always had difficulties getting ideas for fitting the lid to the base, so for MDF, I came up with this swing arm method (that I have retro fitted to many of my other boxes),
While it makes a complimentary addition to my diamond plates, I do regret that they may never be used,
as I have a Tormek.
Do not fret dear reader, the diamond plates will still get used for my scrapers….
All comments appreciated, however, donations are more readily accepted!
PS. I kept this post relatively short as I have a heap of laminated MDF rubbish to follow.
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO The End OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

That’s a great jig, I love mine! But mine just lives in a plastic box I had that’s about the right size…nothing nearly as nice as your MDF creation! Nicely done…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

for many reading this for the first time it's not too late to save a duck ! this disease is horrible and with no known cure. but doctors are working hard to find a cure. so please give and help us save, a duck !!!!! send your donations to LBDSICKMF.COM !!!! it's not too late we cant help some !!!! 💀😈👻

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks RGi... I didn't have the luxury of any box albeit plastic bag... it just banged around in the drawer and always in the way.
I will admit it was good when I had the need to use it before the Tormek... I even got slightly proficient at it.

for many reading this for the first time it's not too late to save a duck ! this disease is horrible and with no known cure. but doctors are working hard to find a cure. so please give and help us save, a duck !...
Pottzy, you do realise that the more donations you get, the more I will play up for sympathy and extra shekels...
You're just encouraging a bad egg to reach 100 yo.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Love the box.

That jig will wear your hands out. 


You found him quickly, even in that warehouse.