Four Piece Puzzle.

Boys and Girls,
Well shiver my timbers,
it’s been two days since I last posted a puzzle.

 I’m getting tired of apologising for my vindictiveness for unleashing more puzzles on yazall, so with this one, I’ll just go into what I previously posted at LJ on Jan 2021, below… though I will include the 3DW model here,

and the “solution” which consists of this double sided slip of paper, folded in half, that tells the obvious,
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo --------------------------------------------- 
Originally titled... 

LBD, When will you make it end (these Puzzles)?

Boys and Girls,
If my Poppy Julius II was still alive, he'd be echoing those words in the throne room of the Cistern (chapel)
Unfortunately, due to the precision required, this project is probably limited to laser users (and CNC users with some manipulation) than conventional woodworking tools.  So if you don't own a laser, CNC or rely on trial and error, only read on if you are a sucker for punishment… and if you do own a laser/CNC, only read on if you're also a sucker.
This project was inspired by another one of  Steve Good's free scroll saw patterns.
I was scrolling (no pun intended… OK, strolling) through my archives looking for the next unmade/unpublished puzzle and stumbled across this design that I downloaded during a forgettable, puzzling encounter with a cask of vino many years ago.
It seemed like a nice simple puzzle to help me shake off the effects of my spiritual (and vino) celebration of my previous DT3.
The simplicity of it…
led me straight into CorelDraw → Laser… with the only assembly requirement was the retaining tray so the first cut rolled off the production line within about an hour…
Gave it to the missus with a chortle and proceeded to seek out the DT3-celebratory hair-of-the-dog… Looking at my girth, she is more renowned for her culinary prowess and henpecking, so I was flabbergasted when she returned the solved puzzle within a few minutes.  Looks like there was another solution that young Steve G. didn't consider.
(right hand side) when cut to the exact specifications of the downloaded PDF (dimensions were not supplied just the "template").
I spent the next few hours and vino sampling to determine how SWMBO managed to outsmart me… once again.
Maybe Steve G. didn't allow for the cut's kerfs in his design, but it turned out that even with the .2mm kerf of the laser, pieces could be lined up horizontally to fit (without any pressure/friction).  The puzzle hit the rubbish bin and I hit the cask… great first project for 2021… (DOH)... back to the seller cellar!
While drafting my tirade to Steve G., it dawned on me that if I resized the assembly tray, the puzzle could be salvaged without any alteration to the four actual puzzle pieces.  Surprisingly it turned out that by reducing the tray to a much snugger fit, the previous pieces' alignment overshot the tray's dimensions by 1mm…
Suddenly that dodgy solution was no longer viable… and the "Lazarus puzzle" was resurrected and I could walk into the kitchen shouting Nyah-Yah-Yah! without fearing for my life.
If the puzzle was handed to the recipient assembled, they'd immediately be aware of the trick so it had to be presented unassembled, however, when they couldn't solve it, probably nor could I, as I couldn't remember the pattern.  To retain my smart-arse status, I incorporated the solution into the base…
 the above picture was presented to preserve the secrecy of the solution, however, if you looked at the gallery pictures or snuck a peek at Steve G's blog and read page 9, you can look at the next spoiler alert solution picture,
This new designed required greater assembly, however, it did create a viable puzzle,
naturally, the "pull out solution" would be temporarily pocketed before handing over the puzzle.
Suddenly… a moment of inspiration as I am typing this word… (ok now the previous word and a few weeks ago)… If I omitted the tray's bottom, I could downsize this puzzle and hand them out to friends and sundry, as freebies, much like my previous miniaturised puzzle. 
Once downsized, the clearance was exacerbated and the original "alternative SWMBO solution option" raised its ugly head… Fortunately through the precision of the laser, I progressively reduced the box by .1mm at a time till I regained the "not alternative fit" syndrome.
Unfortunately, because of the solution, I could not print the solution on the puzzle and if you read Steve G. splurge on the puzzle, I was too bloody lazy to include the disclaimer with each baggie… so it was up to me to direct recipients of the requirement and them to remember my instructions…
Being a nice guy, I had a change of heart and decided to include some instructions into each baggie, (setting a precedence for future puzzles)...
I also compromised and with a few dabs of CA and glued a base to the frame to make it a tad more user friendly,
There are also a few "complete" puzzles set aside for the more adventurous friends that have already solved the puzzle,
(not for general distribution).
With all these baggies, I feel like a dope dealer… The missus agreed, but she insisted I drop the word dealer.
I'll leave you puzzling about my sanity… before you jump to conclusions… I do have my moments… momentarily!
Link to available files for those interested.
PS… Sorry rc, I didn't mail you one as you said you were on walkabouts and you may have gotten exposed to this solution before you went home to get your freebie.
Then the SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan… hey freckles)… I looked down below my gut and got inspired by miniaturisation…
This has been appended to deprive you viewers of the luxury of another one of my inane puzzle project post and bore you with more reading material.
Waltzed through my puzzles and come up with the following selections that could be miniaturised.  Why? Shit I don't know, as I plan to give them away as freebies… and I hate people!

(However, for Craftisians I have decided to publish them as separate projects… OOPS!)

----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO The End OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Maybe I will try to make this one with conventional tools. But there's so much text, so I don't know if I'll get around to it.

I’d never figure out to put things at an angle. My mind craves the order of XY linear alignment!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Yeah, the rotated pieces adds a bit of unexpected complexity. Pretty cool puzzle!
I'm of the same mind as Ryan, orthogonal or bust!

Not ever considering the rotated solution, first thought would be a small tapping mallet to overcome the cumulative error stacking and make it fit 🤔

Seems the body cavity search at the airport with a suitcase full of these baggies might make a sales trip more interesting? 😬  
Thanks all... this is a puzzle that literally has a twist.

Seems the body cavity search at the airport with a suitcase full of these baggies might make a sales trip more interesting? 😬  

That cavity search sound intimidating... nearly as bad as a chef showing how to stuff a duck.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Love it!

~ Mystery by Design ~

Thanks Snake... coming from a master puzzle maker it's  appreciated... Unfortunately it's not an original.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD