4T Puzzle.

Boys and Girls,

After making my Four Piece Puzzle, I got a bit cocky,
and started thinking about a better packaged puzzle… you can't beat a duck without raising the ire of the RSPCA/ASPCA.  
I think this is a better design than the above mentioned one.
Before you go off and waste some time looking for this at LJ, be warned, it wasn’t published there and to avoid gross disappointment, I’ve decided to post it here for all to revel in.
While working on my previous Four Piece Puzzle, I discovered the SketchUp model for this hiding in the other’s directories and after searching my puzzle cabinet, it seems that I have also made it up… hmmm, the plimsoll line seems to be a tad low,
The concept is similar, however, the design is different… this puzzle consists of 4 “T”s as follows, with 3 Ts snuggled in the tray and the fourth in a stand alone holder,
I like to distribute my puzzles with the solution, however, far too often the bit of paper goes adrift so like with my other Four Piece Puzzle, I incorporated a built in solution holder,
that can follow the puzzle around. 
This should be easier to make as all pieces are the same and once you have the “perfect T”, it can be used as a template.
Another hint is to arrange the the 4 “T”s at the angle and then design the box’s dimensions around them.
3DW model,

There is no A4 PDF solution distributed with this puzzle, however, there is a small slip to tell the user there is a built in solution,
though I have no idea how anyone could miss it.  
Inkeeping with this layout, I noticed this version of my Four Piece Puzzle (without the solution tray), on the Internet with a better tray,
Anyone interested in my puzzles (or other authors’), you can see them all here in my “Puzzle Collection” .
If interested in any of mine (LBD), measurements can be made available on request for anyone not familiar with SketchUp.

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Several of these (including this one) could be gift ideas once my grandkids are a bit older.
True Steve! Great stocking stuffers for the kids.

Personally I recommend giving kids mental blocks for Christmas, but that's just the way I roll. 🤠
Thanks guys...  that's the beauty of these puzzles... other than the bigger box ones, they all make great stocking stuffers. 

Ever since I started making these puzzles, around about this time each year I get a swag of requests from friends/acquaintances for those extra little additions to bolster their kids/spouses/relos stockings. 

The laser is running hot.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Six pages of puzzles in your collection! 


Six pages of puzzles in your collection! 
And growing daily, faster than my ample midriff.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD