Christmas boxes

7 boxes made for Christmas Gifts for the girls.   Wife, Daughter, DIL, Granddaughter, Sister, and a friend of the family.  One extra.  
13 inches wide by 9 inches deep and 3 inches tall.   Sides  nd top are all 1/2" thick.  
2 boxes of Purpleheart with Curly Maple top   2 of Mahogany with Walnut tops.   1 of Angelina with Mahogany top.    1 of Bubinga with Black Limba top and  one Oak with Mahogany top.   Finish is Osmo polyx.
Hinges are 1/8" brass pins.    All have a felt bottom and dividers.     
Not all are pictured.  The design was from a magazine article that I based mine on.  



Very nice 👍
A great size for "girl" stuff and fine looking combos!
dang ron im surprised santa hasn't hired you to help out filling his big list ! well done.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice design! I like the lid "lift" all within the top board. Good idea to make an extra.  Wonderful gifts.

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Hell (couldn't repeat the Dang) 987... I downloaded the pictures, flipped them and still couldn't find anything behind them... are 3 hiding inside?

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

 Not all are pictured.  

OOPS, missed that.  Seems like fast reading is not recommended... They tell me that fasting affects the eyesight and not my midriff..

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Great idea for Christmas gifts, something hand made especially for each recipient. They will be well received & treasured.
Thanks for the comments.  
Pottz, my daughter has been calling me The Big Elf.   



Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

As usual superior work!  



Great looking boxes.

I may borrow that design (lid).


Very nice.  I just bought the latest Doug Stowe book on box design.  I like that design and may give it a try.
Thanks for the comments.  Appreciated.
The magazine (Doug Stowe design?) used Lee Valley 1/8" spring loaded pins.   Found just  using a 1/8" brass rod or pin was easier, drill from the outside and drive in.   Worked in other boxes I have made.   None have fallen out yet, a dab of super glue if you want, I did not.


Great variety of woods


Your boxes are nice Ron! You mention one is Angelina with Mahogany top. What is Angelina? Never heard of it. Where do you buy such wood?
Rick,  Angelina was what the dealer called it.   Case Woodworking in Savannah.
Angelina is a common name for Andira (Andira Inernis) other common names are Andin, Angelim, macaya, maquilla, partridge wood, pheasantwood, and red cabbage bark.   It comes from West Indies and S. America.  Is often a Mahogany substitute.   
I had never used it and saw it when shopping for something else at Case's Woodworking and like usual something different attracted my attention,   Easy to work with, medium hard, coarse texture.   
Case is my go to for the good stuff.   An hour from me.    Many of my more elaborate attempts the wood came from Case  in the last 10 years.    
Thanks for the comments.



That is a very thoughtful gift.

I saw Thelonius Monk at the Katona music summer concert.  
