Tray Bird Feeder

A Gift for my Sister this year. This is the second feeder that I have built like this, and I like this better than the first. The base measures 10-1/2" x 12" and stands about 18" tall. Both the frame and base are made from Cypress, the framing is built in a timber frame style to add strength and to hold up in the weather (the pins that I used were Bamboo Skewers). Then the roof is just scraps of Cedar Siding. The finish is just Howard's Feed and Wax.  The last photo is the presentation for my Sister.

The first one I built in the same style has lasted through 2 winters. Ya, I'm in the South, but it still gets nasty.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice feeder.   Like the construction.  


That'll age nicely, great styling!

Sad thing will be if the local bird rabble trash the house, one can't keep anything nice!
Very nice Eric, well built, will withstand a storm with ease. The birds will love you for this.
Ron, thanks, fun to build.

Splinter, thanks. The one I build has aged nicely.

Steve, thanks. My Sister loves it and has received comments from her neighbors, I may have some orders coming up.

OldTool, thanks. It is a bit heavy, and my BIL did a good job at mounting it.

Main Street to the Mountains

Ivan, thanks.

Main Street to the Mountains