Octagonal Table


The design for this table was done by my woodworking teacher Jim Vice.
It looks like a very, very distant cousin of the Limbert tabouret. I think Jim took ideas from several design and incorporated them in his.

I built the Octagonal table back in 2010. I never posted it as a projects for several reasons. The main one being it was a class project and I got plenty of help.
The second reason I did not take enough picture of the build process and did not have a final picture.
At the time it was my cell phone and it got upgraded and move the memory card to a new phone were it got formatted. Poof all gone!

Shortly after I built it, the octagonal table travelled in pieces in my suite case across the Atlantic. It was a gift to may dad. I assembled it in situ upon my arrival at my parents house

I got reunited with it last summer and took a couple more shots, thus the difference in background for the pictures: some at my parents and some in my shop.

Three templates are needed for the build:
-The template for the legs
-The template for the top
-The template for the bottom shelf.

Making a copy of the top template from the main aluminum template

Pattern routing the legs from a leg I made in class. I have since then switched to carpet tape.

The waste on the inside of the leg was removed with a jigsaw.
Pattern routing the inside of the leg proved to be quite a challenge as the spiral bit grabbed on several legs and they had to be redone. This happened even when there was only about 1/16 of material to remove. The spiral bit was fairly new with very little mileage on it I call it inexperience at the time.
A better way would have been to hog the waste with a jig saw and sand to the line.

The inlay is sapele
I started with water poly and sanded it off. I then switched to Miniwax poly.

It’s a project that was fun and plan to redo it someday so I have one myself.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA


A couple of more pictures I could not upload with the main write up

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

The design is amazing and you did a great job building it Ian. Well done!

-- Michal, http://WoodworkingWeb.com

Nice one Ian! Looks fantastic!

Thanks Michael and David!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

That is a very nice table. I just love the concept. I like bent-wood/laminates, but this is just great.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Bent lamination coming up Madts, this summer hopefully, If I don’t screw up…


Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I really like the design!

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Jim vice design. He is my woodworking teacher. Really smart guy.
The picture are actually lousy. I need to take a basic photography class.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

That is one of the best projects I’ve seen. Love the leg detail . The top is amazing .


I am planing to do another one. I gave this one to my dad.


Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Super build Abbas
nice photo work too.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker