Wall French Cleat


Recently I submitted drawings and pictures and a video of the build of my F-Style Clamp Rack’s. Well I decided to stop everything in the shop and do som reorganization. I built this 5’ tall by 8’ long french cleat system to hang my Clamp Rack’s. What I did was held 36" off the floor cut a 3/4" × 12 3/4" × 8’ long strip and put a 3/8" × 3/4" rabbit down the full length of 8’ and also did the same on the full 3/4" × 4’× 8’ sheet to give me a lap joint & thats how I got the 5 foot by 8 foot. Then I attached the 3/4" × 12 3/4" × 8’ down my level line 36" off the floor. However, I didn’t tighten the screws by the lap joint. I also had the rabbit facing the wall. That way when I lifted the 4×8 sheet into place it slid down into position and the smaller sheet held it up. Then I screwed everything down.
Next, I cut my cleat strips 2 3/4" wide and after 12 strips I tilted the blade at a 45° repositioned the fence to 2" and ran them through. Then hung them up starting at the bottom and used a cleat as a spacer between each cleat.
I will be putting a plywood shelf above to give me more storage and will post those pictures when I get done with that. So now I need to ake more racks to hold many different tools and more clamps. Lol love clamps. So I’ve made a huge mess and need to clean up before I can make actual projects again. So I must hurrry. I have a huge cooler cart order to do but im trying to get the cedar from 11% moisture to 8%.
Enough rambling enjoy the pictures.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"


This is an outstanding clamp system Jeff. I wish I had the wall space for something similar.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thank you! I have 10 hours on this project. Thats from tearing down to moving stuff back against the wall. But the real job is about to start. Clean up. Lol

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

That is one big French cleat system Jeff and a lot of clamps but I am thinking you need more clamps .LOL
What else are you intending in that area .
BTW: I wish you a Happy Fathers Day

Well thank you for the fathers day wish. Back to you too.
Well I have plans to making some hanging systems for spring clamps that will sit under or you could say behind the bars of the 36" clamps. I can move the bars left or right without knocking them off. I glad I made slots to fit the bars. See this way no space is wasted. I also will be making racks that hold 7 clamps to fit in odd spaces. However im going to make a charging station right around the outlet. I want to fill this wall with all different clamps. Oh im not done. I still have a whole table full that I need to make racks for. What you see in these pictures is a third of what I have. Lol lol lol I LOVE CLAMPS.
I also will be putting a plywood shelf above and a 5’ tall 15.50" wide 15" deep cabinet to the right. This cabinet is for my med kit, apron, carpenter tool belt etc. I then will hang a white board on the side to keep a better track of jobs & due dates. Ill be posting pictures after I get more done.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Very well done, excellent use of space. One can never have too many clamps. Good job.


Great use of space Jeff, looks awesome!

Nice work Jeff. Sometimes you have to drop everything and reorganize a bit. Even though I get impatient at the thought of putting projects on hold the reorganization eventually pays off.

Couldn’t agree more

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"


You’ve done an outstanding job of organizing all your clamps. It will be great to see the finished project!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Hi Jeff, I am impressed. I want to have these clamps and these Rules.


Versatility! Really sweer!

Steve Tow

Now that’s a cleat wall. If you are like me you want to fill the whole thing with clamps.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Lol thats what im doing. Ill have to post an updated picture

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"