Cedar lawn swing with wood canopy


Well here is another one of my creations. I did some wood burning for the first time, my bear and pine cone could have been better. I guess practice makes perfect. Built this and yes all by myself for my husband’s Aunt and Uncle’s 40th anniversary. Mind the photos I was dropping it off to them and haven’t had time to take good photos. The driveway is slanted so that’s why it looks like it’s not level..lol


Looks great, looks strong and sturdy.

Very nicely done. Looks awesome and I am sure they will enjoy many Sunday LAZY days swinging on it. Great project.


That’s a very nice job . Wood burning turned out good . It takes awile to burn a pattern . It’s not like just painting it on.


That’s for sure. I tried it once. It takes patience.

Nice swing!

Losing fingers since 1969

That is just beautiful and so inviting. Great job on the burning, I love it!


Well done Sheri. I like the burning. It gives character to the swing. Now they can swing through the next 40 years. Job well done!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

The burning looks fine Sheri.
I did a burning once on a blanket chest and boy I had to be patient:)

Well done.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks guys! Yeah it definitely is a slow process, I would like to buy a better wood burning kit and get into it more.

Great looking lawn swing.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Love the lawn chair and the woodburning looks great. Great job! If you are interested in more woodburning check out this website http://www.pyrographyonline.com/ I use the RazorTip woodburning system and find it really good but there are several woodburning systems on the market now. Lori Irish did a review of them all once but I can’t find the link to the article :(


Thank you:) I will definitely look into it thank you for the link:)

Another great build Sheri. It’s great you are trying new things with the wood burning, very well done! You have some fantastic skills keep up the great work.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Thank you, my next tool will be a band saw. Some cuts I made on this swing would have been easier if I had one.