Boxguy Goes With Camo


Thanks, to all who take time to look at projects. I always enjoy reading comments from you.

Pictured is a (6 × 11 × 6) jewelry keeper made of Ambrosia Maple with Ebony corner splines and using Venetian blind slats for dividers.

Features: a sliding tray, chain stop, carved finger lift, inset bottom, mortised cut-down piano hinge, corner splines, and rounded edges.

Story: My friend, Jerry, gave me this board of Ambrosia Maple and I made it into this box. It has amazing colors. Though it doesn’t show well in the photographs, this box even has a green similar to that used in camo clothing. Keep boxing and keep posting.

Big Al in IN

That is one beautiful piece of work. I really like that wood.


I’m with Wheaties, what a gorgeous bit of wood. The box you made from it also beautiful.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

great job

I do not have attention deficit disor.................hey look, it's a bunny!

It’s pretty intense.

Well done!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks Wheaties, Wolf, Thomas, and Ian. This is my first posting here. I made a teabox today that I will post after I apply three more coats of finish and let them dry. Drying indoors is much slower than in summer.

Big Al in IN

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