Hi Friends
With all of our business paperwork piling up I started building these file cabinets to go under my trestle table but then the boss thought it would fit better in the corner of the office but as one unit,so I switched gears and made adjustments to join the two together. It didn’t turn out to bad for using cheapie pine and left over ply. The true colors looked better and more even but the photos were not the best. Nothing that fancy but it will do the job.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker


Thanks Jim

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Nice work and beautiful rich colors Jim. What did you use on it?


Thanks Jack
I used Charles Neil’s blotch control,General finishes dye/stain and
satin Minwax Polycrylic ,top coat.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

They look better than the metallic one.
Very nice colors.
Well done.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks Abbas

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Sharp!!! Definitely a classy look.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Really nice job . I think you made an impressive cabinet


Thanks Bruce

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Nice piece, we have a steel thing in the corner of the office, been on my ‘to do list’ for ever !

wood wolf

Thanks William

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I think they look great! They look way better then the metal filing cabinets.

Thanks Sheri

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Wow! Those look great!!!
I’m back, thanks to The old man upstairs and some outstanding health care!
In September of last year I contracted a
Flesh eating bacteria, of all things, and was in the hospital for 65 days!
And on a wound vacation for 2 more months.
Not that you need to know all that!
To be honest, I really appreciate everything you have to offer with the wood working web.
It’s awesome, I just got the trusses
Finished today on my shed I was working on, when this 911 happened to me.
Take care and thanks

Steve Tow

So Glad your back,after going through a scary time like that it sure makes you realize what’s important in life. Thanks for you kind words Steve. I hope you’re able to swing your trusses without and trouble. It’s really good to see you posting again hope to see more progress photos on your shed

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker