American Chestnut Briefcase


This is American chestnut that I salvage from a friends room divider that he wanted “gone.” Made for a friend to carry his pencil art drawings in. He uses a plastic, portable typewriter case now. Hopefully this will be an upgrade for him. It’s a surprise. The box measures 17” x 14” x 4” and has brass hinges and latches. I used small brass eyelets and leather as a lid “stay” and it works nicely. I shaped/sanded the handle/handle holders and connected it all with braided leather which fits up into a dado in each. I finished it with Howards wax. All in all, this turned out beautifully and I just hope he uses it

Use it up, wear it out---Make it do, or do without.

That’s a nice project. Very different.
I think it will be a huge surprise.

Well done.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Absolutely beautiful. Have you considered lining it with leather or felt or something to protect the inside from jostling contents?

Losing fingers since 1969

this is one beautiful briefcase, i have often thought of making one for my son who is a school teacher…this keeps me inspired, i sure love the wood of choice, a really great job..

"the grizz" [''''']

Brian—-I did consider lining it up did not want to hide the wood. He will be carrying his matted pencil drawings and I don’t think they will be a problem with the inside.

Use it up, wear it out---Make it do, or do without.

Nice to see you over here .
That is a nice repurpose of wood and turned out just great .
Love that chestnut and that handle is just super .
Nice surprise gift !

Very nice briefcase, that wood looks great.,

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Beautiful Briefcase

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker