Parcheesi Game (and Wall Art)


I used to play the Parcheesi game when I was much younger, now days it’s called Sorry or Aggravation.

I set out to make something that could hang on the wall as art when not being played. This was a project, that both my husband and I worked on together. I used the laser for the top game board surface, using 1/4" Baltic birch ply and then I inlayed various wooden veneers and shell to finish the look. I engraved the rules on the back and made a hole to hold the box for the game pieces and dice. Steve made the beautiful Walnut and Holly frame, the box for the game pieces and turned the game pieces – made from the same woods that the home spots are on the front.


Nice craftmanship. Laser etched???

Sean Howell

Oops seen the other pictures. Nice inlay.

Sean Howell

Great team work Terry.

Very neat!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Beautiful work Terry.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

A real piece of art! Brings back memories of family playing games. Thanks for posting.

This is scary, Terry – what planet did you come from?

This is really cool! Very unique, sure beats the crappy cardboard boards I use to play on!

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Thank you all! After we finished this piece, I realized we are not quite done yet – in order to play this game, we really should add some kind of glass to protect the surface…

Beautifully done Terry. It reminds me that I told my son I would make him a backgammon board a couple of years ago, but still haven’t gotten around to it. Can’t you protect it with an ordinary finish?

Mike, an American living in Norway

It has a couple of layers of finish on it – just a little concerned about the dice being dropped or tossed on the shell… (maybe an epoxy finish might be better? Not sure, will have to give this more thought) If anyone has ideas, I’m open to hear them…

A really unique project,great job.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker