Home made Moxon type vise


I have always wanted one of these vises. Firstly because they are inexpensive, and secondly because they are portable.
It all started when I saw the tap and die for sale through Garrett Wade for about $ 51.00
After that it was gluing up some scrap 1/2" baltic birch in 3 layers. Cutting some threads in 1 1/4" dowels and tapping 2 holes in the back piece and glue and screw in the threaded dowel. The horizontal clamping piece is made from oak.
The nuts are dimensioned after a 2×4. I thought that they would be too small, but the gripping power is just awesome.
There is no metal in this thing at all.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Wow. Well done Madts.

Was it easy to cut the thread? any breackage?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Breakage in the beginning until I sharpened the cutter and soaked the wood. After that easy-peasy if the wood dowel is straight grained.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

A very useful tool well done.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

That is awesome. So many possibilities. Good stuff.

Losing fingers since 1969