We had a rainy day and it was a good time to be in the shop and this tote is what I made from a piece of D-fir that was kicking around for some time .
Just a straight forward project until I thought of the bottle opener which I would have to order so I made one from a piece of maple and a steel mending strap works like a charm and cost almost nothing .
The tote itself does not look too bad either considering the wood that it made from and having some nice two inch diameter marquetry logo pieces that my buddy Paul aka Shipwright made for me just made this a special piece for me to keep .
If you are interested in marquetry or a Chevalet you can get in touch with Paul at the link blow .

Cheers Klaus

— Kiefer

Makes me a little thirsty just looking at it Klaus.
Thanks for the mention.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

What no cardboard ? LOL looks super.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker