Finally got a picture of this map which is a present for my son-in-law
I used some scrap flooring and simply made up this plaque which has a couple battens attached to the back which have elongated holes to allow for wood movement .
The map itself was done by my wife ,she had the map printed on a piece of packing paper which she taped to the plaque and I carefully cut out the continents with a sharp knife (the hard part about two hours ) but it was worth it as it left a cutline in the wood which acts as a stop for the paint .
My wife did the painting with black acrylic paint and then top coated the complete plaque front and back with a couple coats of wipe on poly .


— Kiefer

It’s beautiful. Very nice gift.

Losing fingers since 1969

You both do great work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Beautiful .. Well done ! … Wow you are a busy man.

Good to see your mind and body back at work!

Thomas J. Tieffenbacher/aka docSavage45

Such a talented family, beautiful.
