Shop sign for daughter in law


My daughter in law makes jewelry as a hobby and makes the rounds to wine festivals and the such. She needed a sign for her tent she sells out of so I volunteered of course. This fits in a sleeve on one of the posts on the tent. Made from cherry and maple, General Finishes prairie wheat jell stain for stain, two coats Minwax hand rubbed poly. Used a trim router for the lettering and a paste made with Indio ink to give them color. Thank you for looking.


Very cool sign, nice work

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

It’s always a joy to make for family, beautiful work.

look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a big hunk of the bowl I was turning.

Very Nice, you did big, Congratulations.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

That is just beautiful! Great work Jack


Thank you guys for all the kind words.


That is some great router work!


I agree , it’s always a pleasure to make something for family and you did a beautiful job .


Many thanks David and Bruce.
