New drafting table chair


One of my old shop chairs gave up a couple of weeks ago so i moved my table chair, the black smaller one shown, to its spot and built a new one for my table. In addition to being used for drawing table, it doubles for a napping chair and a small amount of TV watching. I had a big hunk of non-aromatic cedar I scooped for comfort for the seat and cleaned out some of my scrap pile for the rest of it. The blue is Annie Sloan’s chalk paint and general finishes prairie wheat gel stain. No design in mind when I started, just made the rest of it all fit the big seat. Thanks for looking. Thinking about all our good friends and woodworking family in the NE that are in the path of a new northeaster coming at you on top of that mess you had last week. Be safe.


Very nice work Jack

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Good job, I like the sculpted seat looks nice

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

That is a cool custom. Nice work .

Thanks guys for the kind words.


Nice work. It’s a fine place to contemplate and plan your next project.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thank you my friend, contemplate and afternoon naps.
