Bowl of Grapes collection


Life is just a bowl of Grapes!

The first one was an experiment……and it worked! Once I got the hang of it, it just needed refining. I glued up the blanks with the grapevine , and then rough-turned the bowls. After the final shape was close, I began introducing the grapes, in 3-4 overlapping layers, returning to the lathe the flatten each layer. The vines are walnut in the cherry bowl, and maple in the walnut ones. The grapes are all made from koa plugs I cut myself. After the final layer of grapes, I did a final turning and sanding on the lathe, and then finished with satin poly.

The bowls are all about 6 inches in diameter and 1.5 inches tall.


Very appealing to the eye and a creative design,extra nice.