Another box!


I made this box from Red Iron bark a very heavy timber used mainly for house stumps.
I found a few post discarded o the footpath and brought them home. The post was jointed
and then ripped into suitable lenghts.

I made the frame using lock miter joinery and inserted tha base into a recess.
The top was a series pieces cut at various lenghts and separated by narrow strips at each end.
Entry is via the base
I sanded and polished the timber it achieve the resultant finish.

I downloaded Pana tuner to help me try and tune it.

It ended up as a Tongue Drum

Regards Rob

Cool material,nice work Rob!

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

That’s awesome. You should post a video of playing it.

Losing fingers since 1969

I cannot actually play it, but here is a test video

Regards Rob


Losing fingers since 1969

seems as your interested here is an expert

Its possibly staged and not as impromptu as shown plus there is a cable attached at the back.

Regards Rob

The wire is probably connected to a piezo microphone. I have one on my double bass. Makes it easily amplifiable.

Losing fingers since 1969

That is neat Rob, bet the kids would love to play with that.

Main Street to the Mountains