Multi-purpose Ensemble


Is it a hat & scarf? Or is it a table runner and basket?

The intent was hat & scarf but I think it looks MUCH, much better on the table!

The intent was to create a keyboard … I didn’t like the first attempt, or second, or third, or forth .. or fifth…
and so I changed it to a music staff with a treble clef and notes. … I didn’t like the look of the treble clef on it and then by this time I was so frustrated I didn’t want to tackle putting the lines on the notes, so they are just “dots”. .. and so it is just a “black and white” item.

The hat is not what I planned either, but by the time I put the five lines on the staff, it was too big to add the ear flaps and braid ties …

And so ends my “musical” creations.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit