An Adventure


We just went 27 hours without hydro … (or electric power)

First, I had to chuckle, because I had just read someone posting about a giant binder they had filled with patterns that they had printed out and I had thought, “Why print them out? Save them on your computer!”
Yesterday, a printed pattern would have been handy!

With not too much else to do, I thought I’d play at making another gnome (or Santa). With light just from the fireplace it was interesting to imagine the conditions that people of days gone by worked in AND created such fine work.
I think I did pretty well, couldn’t see any missed stitches… and it does look like a Santa Gnome.

(Oh and I had to put it down when I got to the loops section — had to do that during the light of day.)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit