Ewok - Attempt #1


so close …

found the pattern, thought it was super cute and decided to give it a try.

The body worked up really well and things were going good.

The Eyes
With thousands of buttons sitting in boxes here, you’d think I could find 2 perfect eye buttons. Nope.. had to compromise. I refuse to buy buttons when I have so many sitting here.

Facial Features
Not sure if I did it right .. maybe the mouth needs to be bigger? But I did a pretty good job on it.

The Ears
Apparently, I put them on too far back, as you can’t see them in the first picture. I guess I could take them off and reattach but then I’d have to re-do the hood as well.

The Hood
I thought the yarn was a good choice but I don’t really like it. If I fix the ears I might haul out some leather and make a hood that way.

The Pattern http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/wicket-the-ewok

I found some new eyes (buttons) for him… it looks better! . (3rd picture)
And.. I took a golf pencil and tied it to his hand as a staff .. and gave him a pouch as well… he’s looking much more “Ewok-ian” now. (4th picture)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit