Wallet / Business card holder


I know most woodworkers have seen these before, but I figured I’d might as well post something and contribute a little bit.

The holder on the left was made to fit a standard business card. I keep this one at work, and take it with me on business trips. It doesn’t see much action, which is good, because I made it too thick. I used 1/4" maple on the outside, and 3/16’s purple heart for the filler strips, so its close to 3/4 thick in my front pocket. Not too bad, but not what I wanted either. It holds about 15 regular business cards comfortably.

The holder on the right is my wallet, so its a bit wider then the maple version so that standard credit cards and a license can fit. This time, I used 1/8" mahogany for the outsides and again 3/16’s purple heart on the filler strips, for a total thickness of about 7/16’s. Its much more comfortable, and I barely notice its there. I rounded all the edges on both so that it wouldn’t catch on any fabric going in and out of my pocket. I also originally was going to hinge this one with a lid, but failed horribly. I ended up just edge gluing it back together. The Wallet fits three credit cards, a license and insurance card barely.

Both were left unfinished, mainly because I was just playing around, and never got around to it, though, I kind of like the Mahogany as is. We’ll see how it ages.

The one negative thing I will say about this design , is that once you take out a credit card, the rest wants to slide right out, so some kind of lid, or strap of leather or something would have been a good idea…

Anyway, that’s all from me . Enjoy your day and stay safe.

P.S. – Sorry for the photo quality. I’m at work and am killing time at lunch.

You might be able to do a strap that snaps shut on a little rare earth magnet. It’s a great idea and well done.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

I was just going to suggest the same thing — a strap of sorts.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Very attractive

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