Candy Cart


Sometimes you just feel the need to make something just because you want to. And that’s OK.

There used to be a lady at work who would keep the office stocked up on candy. Kelly the Candy Lady, I would call her.

I even made up a candy sign to keep at her desk. I then thought it would be neat to make some sort of candy dish to replace the random bowls/containers and an image of an old-fashioned candy cart came to mind.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t much long after that Kelly the Candy Lady left for a job located closer to her home. So the candy cart remained an idea in the back of my brain.

But it didn’t stay there. What I had in mind was too fun to not make! So little by little, as time allowed between other projects, I started the cart! And what was really unique (for me) was that I just made it up as I went along. None of my normal 3D Cad drawings and measurements. Just a tape measure and mostly scrap wood.

It now sits proudly in the office, keeping everyone in a sugar-induced coma.


Maybe I should say “SWWEEET”.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Welcome Jchon. Good to see you here ;)

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Thanks all – now on to the next project… a display case for 2002 Winter Olympics torch :)


Having seen this one, I would love to see the next.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Wonderful project and nicely done!

Mike, an American living in Norway

Unique and fun project,great job.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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