Wide chevron board


This is my first post here. I discovered this site thanks to my LJ buddy Moment.

I made these cutting boards about 2 years ago Just in time for Christmas.
I am reposting these boards here because I liked them and also to get a feel for this site
The angles different angles for each to maximize the use of the wood; the steepest, I believe, was 32 degrees.

Some build pictures:

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA


I Like the illusion on these , quite nice !

Thanks Moment!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very cool….great contrast….well done !…..thanks for sharing

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

That wild maple grain really adds interest to the boards.
Nice balanced design.


I'm no rocket surgeon

Looks great. I’ve done several box lids with the chevron on top. I learned it when David (Patron) and Larry (degoose) were in a race to see who could make the next generation. That was really fun stuff

I'm the one with the beard

Thanks for the nice comments.

It’s nice to see the best bunch here.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Those are nice, eye-catching designs for your boards, Ian. Well done!

Might As Well Dance : http://barbsid.blogspot.com/

Do you find that the C clamps at each joint helps a lot in keeping the boards flat? I use cauls but there always seems to be a decent amount of flattening left to do…

Nice boards, really like the designs!

Thanks BarbS.

Danofpaco: Thanks.They help quite a bit. Lately I am discovering that, gluing few pieces at the time with less clamp pressure is much better. Much less flatteing.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Great looking boards lanwater, I like the different contrasting woods.

That ripping sled looks interesting, I have a crosscut sled but it has not occurred to me to make one like this. How often do you use it?

I use the long sled from time to time. Not nearly as much as my cross cut sleds.
This said it saves me a lot of headache on many occasions. It’s great for tapers, angled cuts, strait edge…

It’s very easy to make.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Way cool board Abbas

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker