Beginning bowl turnings


Here are the first bowls I made, the Oak potpourri bowl is the first. Probably not the best choice for a first try as the wood is 150+ years old, dry and brittle. Turned on an old Craftsman tube type lathe .

The cherry bowls are attempt #2 and #3, after upgrading to a Rikon mini lathe,

I don’t see anything wrong with any of them. Even the oak bowl looks good. You’re doing nice work. Far ahead of me with the lathe.

I'm the one with the beard

This is pretty!

I don’t see anything wrong. I like it.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Excellent bowls. They look like you’ve been doing this for a long time.

These look good to me. Can you share what cutters you used in cutting the insides of your bowls?

While I have had my lathe for over a year now, I have only made a handful of leg sets and a number of handplane knobs thus far. I will look into doing some small bowls eventually 8-)


Very nice. Impressive with the lathe you were using.

Thanks everyone.

Hey Mike, I made my own with replaceable tips. Similar to “easywood tools”. If interested I can post some pics.

super turnings,nice work

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker