Craftsman style end tables


The “ray flake” grain of white oak and simple lines are what draws me to the Craftsman style of furniture.

I made these end tables from quartersawn white oak, no plans but had a Craftsman style in mind.

Mortise and tenon construction, dovetail drawers, turned black walnut drawer knobs and finished with a BLO/mineral spirits/satin poly mix.

I love A&C. Nice size and straight forward design elements. Mikey likes it!


Really nice job. The ray flecks are awesome, especially on the top.


Wow ! Fantastic work !….

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

In addition to the other favorable comments, your finish is outstanding. Great craftsmanship all around!

-- Art

that quarter sawn white oak looks really good.
I think you did a fine job on these end table.

Really nice!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

This ray flake is what I like to see in antique furniture.
Your pieces look like they stepped out of the past.
Well done

Nicely executed. I need to try QSWO with a natural finish.

exactly what I had in mind for the wife, she has a walmart special next to her chair that is showing its’ quality, and it is only a year old.
great job.


These are wonderful,love the rays.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker