

Paper over F.O. ( 2014 )
As a child , I was a huge fan of Japanese Si-Fi movies .
Godzilla did not have any noticeable facial expressions ,
but when some other creature threw him for a loop during combat ,
or pulled something out of their bag of tricks which surprised him,
his eyes would get wide and his eyebrows would suddenly arch up ;
which made me laugh .
Two 20th century motifs now happily joined in an imagined image .


Omg I want that! What would you be willing to trade? I have a 150yr old leg Vise…

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

May be willing to trade for a silk parachute…………. : )

Photoshop! Ok, maybe not….pretty cool, though :)

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

This is a piece that no doubt, will polarise opinions. I am in the ‘like it’ camp. You have managed to turn a faded piece of kitsch into a humorous and interesting item. I think it works so well because the positioning of Godzilla is just right, even the dinghy appears to be turning away in fright.
Without a doubt, this should make ‘Editors Choice’.

Looks great. It’s difficult to not love Godzilla. I liked the original version best. Very amusing, just like your very nicely done marquetry.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thank you Renners for your observations and thoughts about the composition
of this construction , and I am pleased you found the humor in this, as I
did when I thought of it while staring at it . I simply imagined a way to emotionally
engage with the scene by imagining Godzilla in it , so I made that happen .
I can’t imagine this causing any polarization since it was just for fun . The paper
can be easily washed off , and in no way damages the original ( or copy of an original design ) piece . As far as ’ choices ’ go , the fact that you ,my friend ,
enjoyed it , is very gratifying , Thank you .

Glad you enjoyed it Mike . The marquetry is not mine . ’ F.O. ’ stands for
’ found object ’ ( which was this piece of marquetry ) . I simply(or not so simply ) glued paper onto it .

The “I like it” camp is growing.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Glad you enjoy this Abbas !

I’m down to my last 2 chutes, both are OD…they have about 15k worth of silk in em so I think ill pass…lol I still love it the blue colour is just right, still making me laugh.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I know those parachutes must hold a special place in your heart Thorreain .
Thanks for sharing some laughter with me . : )

very cool and unique! I personally think Godzilla (or any sea monster) is a positive addition to marquetry.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Nice piece. I wish I had the tools to make that. Those are not parachutes, they are spinnakers used downwind on a sailboat .

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Lol Madts . I’ll leave it to Thorreain to explain about the parachutes .
Speaking of sailing ; I was looking for a piece of equipment and could
not find what I was looking for . You posted a link , sometime ago ,
and I found just what I needed . Thanks .

A wonderful design and as unique as it gets.

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